
FIDIC: Contract Conditions, Technical Specifications and Claim Management

Ing. Milan Oleriny

Participation on lectures prepared by Verlag Dashofer will expand your knowledge with cases immediately applicable to your daily practice. Participation on lectures will strengthen your Project and Contract Management expertise. Participants will be much more confident in using these complex Contracts after completing the course.

Verlag Dashofer also provides a comfortable learning process, avoiding travel costs and lengthy absences from the workplace. Participants work on real life cases and practice the application of various contract conditions. A prime objective of our lectures is to assist professionals working in the international construction industry through training and consultancy in respect to management disciplines relating to the industry, leading to successfully completed projects.

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Obsah školenia: FIDIC: Contract Conditions, Technical Specifications and Claim Management

Why FIDIC Contracts?

FIDIC contracts are being increasingly used by the international Construction Industry throughout the World. The Multi-Lateral Development Banks, including the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank & Caribbean Development Bank and EBRD have adopted the FIDIC Conditions of Contract.

Majority of EC financed projects based also on FIDIC conditions or conditions derivate from FIDIC conditions.


  • FIDIC Contract Conditions, Technical Specifications

Delegates will be provided with a sound understanding on the practical use of the FIDIC Construction (Red Book) & Design-Build (Yellow Book) Contracts. The course will be divided in 2 parts.

First day will provide a thorough, up-to-date understanding of the FIDIC form of Contract (the Red and Yellow Book, 1999). It will be systematically examined the provisions of the Red Book general conditions, highlighting differences and similarities with the other FIDIC design-build construction forms, particularly the Yellow Book. Those attending should be in a better position to assess the relative risks and benefits of using a Yellow Book based Contract for a design-build. Other topics to be covered include practical points about drafting particular conditions and the need to co-ordinate them with the general conditions; progress and programme - importance and requirements; delays and extensions of time; delay damages - penalties and liquidated damages; performance securities; plant, materials and workmanship; tests on and after completion; taking over; defects liability; the contract price; variations, adjustments and payment; termination and suspension; allocation of specific risks; insurance obligations; force majeure - meaning and effect of force majeure events.


The second part of the course will focus in writing and understanding technical specifications and their role in Tender Documents. Especially in lacks and mistakes in Technical Specifications that could generate additional Variation Orders. Experience in writing them will avoid also additional Contractor claims.

Merits of this training will revert in more skill for all the attendant in all the above-mentioned issues with practical application in all the imminent open tender procurement processes of several projects based on these conditions.


  • Claim Management

A Claim arises if one of the contractual Parties find that he is required to provide some unexpected, additional Work or Services. Generally, any change or modification of existing Contract may lead to a Claim. The request has often a form of adjustment to the Contract as a result of some event which has occurred, a form of additional reimbursement for unforeseen Work or for additional time (EoT) for execution of Works. The lecture will handle with preparation, submission, assessment, determination under FIDIC Contracts, and how disputes are prevented or otherwise resolved.

Dispute resolution under the FIDIC Contracts is Emphasized and the issues of notices, claims and time bars are discussed in detail. This practical course is supplemented by true life case studies and group discussions ensure that delegates come away with a good understanding of the FIDIC philosophy.

Case study from a project WWTP in Prague (costs 200 Mill. EUR) with manual and introduction for Extension of Time and itemized financial Claim will be presented.

Throughout the course, attendants will have ample opportunity to discuss and debate the material covered, aided by case studies, and active participation will be encouraged.

Target audience

Who should attend?

This course is aimed at providing systematic and practical guidance and the necessary knowledge for funding agencies, Government Ministries and agencies, professionals, technicians on site, procurement specialists, engaged in WB, EBRD and EC financed projects with a design-build element.
It will appeal engineers, private sector employers, project managers, architects, legal advisors, contractors and any others engaged in design-build projects with a cross-border element. All those attending and completing the course will be provided with a certificate verifying their participation in this event.
Throughout the two days there will be ample opportunity to discuss and debate the material covered, aided by case studies, and active participation will be encouraged.
Admission criteria: good understanding and speaking level of English, actual practical experience in using the FIDIC contract documents, basic understanding of construction contracts is an advantage.

Harmonogram školenia: FIDIC: Contract Conditions, Technical Specifications and Claim Management

08:30 – 09:00 registrácia účastníkov
09:00 – 10:30 prednáška
10:30 – 10:45 prestáva
10:45 – 12:00 prednáška
12:00 – 13:00 obed
13:00 – 13:50 prednáška
13:50 – 14:00 prestáva
14:00 – 16:00 prednáška a diskusia

Výhody pre Vás

Kvalitné podklady

Získate špičkové pracovné materiály spracované od našich lektorov.

Odpovede od lektora

Získate odpovede na svoje otázky k téme seminára. Môžete ich položiť priamo lektorovi počas školenia, alebo ich môžete zaslať vopred mailom pred, alebo po školení.

Individuálny prístup

Nasmerovanie na konkrétny problém, individuálny prístup a prepojenie na prax.


Zaisťujeme po celú dobu konania seminára. K dispozícii máte kávu, čaj, vodu. Počas coffee breaku sladké alebo slané občerstvenie. V prípade celodenných školení je pre účastníkov zabezpečený chutný obed.

Lektori z praxe

Lektori Vás nasmerujú na konkrétne riešenia, ktoré viete aplikovať vo vašej každodennej praxi.

Online prenos
  • Webinár si môžete pustiť kdekoľvek, na akomkoľvek zariadení, stačí pripojenie na internet a slúchadlá.
  • Nemusíte nič inštalovať, stačí pripojiť sa na naše stránky a my vás prevedieme potrebným nastavením. Odkaz vám zašleme deň pred konaním a tiež hodinu pred začiatkom webinára.
  • Garantujeme vám plnú technickú podporu pred aj počas prenosu - telefonicky, e-mailom alebo pomocou on-line chatu. Nemusíte mať žiadne technické zručnosti.
  • Na prenos používame špičkové vybavenie a intuitívne streamovacie prostredie.
  • Počas školenia môžete lektorovi položiť otázku prostredníctvom chatu.
  • Ušetríte čas a náklady na dopravu.
Malé skupinky

Školenie realizujeme v malých skupinách, kde dbáme na bezproblémovú interakciu účastníkov spolu s lektorom.

Lektor školenia: FIDIC: Contract Conditions, Technical Specifications and Claim Management

Ing. Milan Oleriny

The course will be led by Mr. Milan Oleriny, MSC, founder of MP Consulting in Prague, practising and specialising in construction, engineering, energy and infrastructure projects over 35 years. His experience spans across Civil Works, infrastructure projects and most recently Claims Preparation, Claims consulting and Defense.

He has over twenty…

Ďalšie semináre lektora

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